Tuesday, April 22, 2008

When life gets in the way - stop!!

Sometimes life gets in the way of my search for bliss. By life I mean bills, money (or lack thereof), mood swings, the happiness of my other half. Sometimes life escalates into petty squabbles, disagreements and a general feeling of gloom...

But hang on. Stop a moment!

Spring is here, the sun is shining and when I open the kitchen window I can hear the birdsong and smell the sunshine...

And there it is. Bliss is right there - always. You just need to know where to look for it.

1 comment:

A said...

I think it's great that you can take that moment and turn things around. I've been trying to implement that more into my life. So far, I've been able succeed one out of about 150 times when I try to go from "panicked anxiety" to breathing and "OK, I'm not going to die, this is good." But bliss? Turning it into actual bliss? Haven't gotten there yet. :-( I'm no longer using the expression 'baby steps'. More like snail's pace.