Friday, May 8, 2009

Regularity and Simplicity

Regularity and Simplicity go hand in hand.

A long time ago, before I even contemplated training to be a yoga teacher I practice Astanga Vinyasa yoga. I longed to be able to practice 6 days a week as the tradition prescribed but the time it took to do full Primary made it almost impossible to fit into my daily routine (without getting up at 4.30am or something equally foolish!), so it turned out that apart from my bi-weekly Astanga classes, my mat stayed in it's funky mat bag!

Over the years, with my discovery of Viniyoga and Satyananda (both of which traditions I draw inspiration from) and especially my discovery and training in Yoga Therapy, and of course becoming a teacher myself, I began to find that the more simple you kept your practice, the more regular your practice would be. I know that my 30 minute practice every morning does me far more good than struggling on my mat for 2 hours and only managing it once a week.

Once I began my daily practice I noticed that other things in my life became routines as well. For example, I get up early every morning to do my yoga practice even though I don't really have to get up as early as I do, it just feels right these days. I have also found my life becoming more simple. I no longer crave the excitement I used to and am happy here at home with my belove and my kitties!

When I work with clients on a one-to-one basis I have two pieces of advice I give them for sticking to their self practice:-

1) Keep it Simple - Don't make hugely ambitious goals for yourself that you will never keep. Let's start with 20 minutes of yoga 2 or 3 times a week.

2) However simple the goal STICK WITH IT!!!! If you don't feel like getting on your mat just do it anyway. After a few weeks you'll just step on your mat regardless.

With more routine and regularity in my life, my life has become better. All my adventures these days begin on my mat!



Eco Yogini said...

I have wanted to do a 30 minute daily practice for a long time now... my issue- it would actually take 30 minutes in the morning for my non-gumby body to wake up... that and I am not a morning person. lol.

You're right though, regularity is key, and it's nice to read how even 30 minutes (in the evening!) will benefit more than a class a week :) (which I cannot afford).


Yoga Witch said...

Just found your blog from Eco Yogini's blog. Love it! This one really resonated. I used to only do yoga about once a week because I felt I had to go to class or use my DVDs, all of which take 1 1/2 to 3 hours. Obviously, that wasn't possible on a daily basis. However, I've found that I LONG to do yoga at the end of each day - my back gets so achy, and I can't wait to do a few sun salutations, shoulder stand, etc.

So, though I do work out regularly, and do a long practice at least once a week, I have found that doing 15-30 minutes of yoga at the end of the day is my lifeline. It has become such an essential part of my routine!

Rachel said...

Thank you both for finding and reading my blog. It's always nice to meet fellow yoginis :)