Thursday, February 11, 2010

things i love thursday (6)

* This skirt. This is a skirt I bought when I had my Topshop Style Advisor appointment. It is not something I would have even tried on had I been shopping by myself, but it is fast becoming my favourite day to day item. It reminds me of Twin Peaks with a bit of post punk thrown in for good measure.
* The lovely comments you guys left on this post. Thank you ladies for your encouragement.
* Cadbury's Creme Eggs.
* My evergrowing Amazon wishlist.
* Sleep - even though I have had nowhere near enough this week.
It's been a long tough week and there is still one day to go, so forgive the trivaility of some of my TILTs this week.

1 comment:

Inca Maia said...

Sending you good sleep and rest vibes, so that by the end of this long week, you can love sleep specifically because you have been getting enough. :)

The skirt is very cool! It's great to stretch our fashion/style sense now and then, isn't it? Sounds like the Top Shop people knew what they were doing recommending it.